The most effective way to realize graphic designs
- 1
Submit as much work as you need
- 2
Determine the required time for the work
- 3
Our team of professionals will develop the assignment
- 4
Incorporate revisions and refinements
- 5
Deliver designs ready for publication
Faster Delivery, Fewer Meetings
An efficient workflow will always provide you with a detailed overview of the status of your designs - without unnecessary calls, meetings, and estimation.
Lightning-fast Communication
Thanks to a dedicated manager, you will always have the option to call or contact us through Freelo.
No Hiring Process
Start submitting work right away without the need for posting job ads, hiring rounds, and lengthy training - saving you time and money.
Cancel Anytime
If you no longer need our services, you can cancel your membership without notice - more information can be found in the FAQ.
Unlimited Number of Members
An unlimited number of members who can submit work. You can pay for membership based on the number of people, for example, in groups of 4.
More Work, Less Worries
Receive your work in perfect quality and on time, without the need to correct everything - thanks to the manager, you will always have a perfect overview of everything.
Perfection in Every Corner
Collaborate without frustration - all work is done and subsequently reviewed to your 100% satisfaction.
Without Limits and Restrictions
If you run out of hours in the basic plan or need to work on multiple projects simultaneously, a single phone call will be enough to increase capacity.
Examples of Our Work
What We Can Achieve Together
Professional Team at Your Service
Our mission is to become an extension of your team, so we can help your business grow. We are a professional design team, and yet we will cost you less than one full-time designer.

Flat Rates with No Limits!
40,000 CZK/ month
Cancel anytime
- Unlimited number of tasks
- Unlimited number of clients
- Unlimited hours
- Access to the graphic team
- 1 dedicated project manager
- Work on 1 task at a time
- Cheaper one-time projects
- Shared channel in Freelo
- Work in Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, XD, InDesign, and other Adobe suite programs
35,000 CZK/ month
Billed quarterly
- Unlimited number of tasks
- Unlimited number of clients
- Unlimited hours
- Access to the graphic team
- 1 dedicated project manager
- Work on 1 task at a time
- Cheaper one-time projects
- Shared channel in Freelo
- Work in Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, XD, InDesign, and other Adobe suite programs
who know what they need.
30,000 CZK/ month
Billed monthly
- Unlimited number of tasks
- Unlimited number of clients
- Unlimited hours
- Access to the graphic team
- 1 dedicated project manager
- Work on 1 task at a time
- Cheaper one-time projects
- Shared channel in Freelo
- Work in Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, XD, InDesign, and other Adobe suite programs
- for a long-term relationship with us.